Conduct and Expectations

To get the most out of your learning , you are expected to always try your best by:

  • Arriving for work on time (or early), looking fresh and ready for work
  •  Rarely being absent (if you are likely to be you must inform your employer)
  •  Being willing and eager to learn
  •  Meeting your employer’s standards for conduct and behaviour
  •  Following instructions and procedures
  •  Promoting a positive impression through your body language and how you speak
  •  Co-operating and being flexible to the needs of your colleagues and Service users
  •  Showing initiative
  •  Communicating effectively and politely with your managers, colleagues and service users
  •  Managing your personal feelings and emotions
  •  Treating others fairly and with respect
  •  Taking pride in the work you do

As an MA you are also expected to attend regular review sessions with your Assessor, these are to occur every 13 weeks. In that time you are expected to have made some form of progress with your qualification.

Disciplinary Procedures

During your time on the programme special attention paid to your conduct.  Acquiring the disciplines of work is an important part of this programme and you will be expected to abide by any rules and procedures to ensure effective and safe training is maintained.  If you break any of these rules or procedures you may be subject to disciplinary action.

Any breach of workplace rules will be dealt with by your employer. 

Any breach in relation to your Modern Apprenticeship qualification will be dealt with by your training officer, with the following steps taking place :

1st Offence

You will receive a verbal warning*
*Depending on the seriousness of the offence, you may receive a written warning immediately instead of a verbal warning.

Continued Breach

Programme staff to investigate – warning issued.  You may consult any of the following at any stage of the disciplinary procedure e.g. Trade Union or Careers Scotland Staff.  A representative of standing from e.g. Trade Union or Careers Scotland may accompany you at your interview.  Copies of written warnings will be sent to your workplace supervisor.

Continued Breach

Possible dismissal from the programme.

Failure to reach or maintain reasonable standards of achievement may result in termination from the programme.  A serious breach of disciplinary or safety rules may result in instant dismissal.  Dismissal in all instances will occur only after prior consultation with Skills Development Scotland.

Examples of dismissal offences:

Wilful destruction/damage to property of candidates, employees, sponsors or customers;
*    Theft; Fighting
*    Any other offence as may be stated by the employer
*    Reporting for duty in an intoxicated condition;
*    Insubordination or refusal to comply with company rules;
*    Failure to obey orders of a Supervisor;